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How to use Managed Google Play with Microsoft Intune

IT teams can connect their Managed Google Play accounts to Intune to get the best of both management tools. Integrate the two for easier Android Enterprise enrollment and more.

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What are the steps to set up a Managed Google Play account?

Android administrators can use Managed Google Play to deploy enterprise apps, configure permissions and more. Learn how to get started with a Managed Google Play account.

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What is Managed Google Play and how should IT teams use it?

One of Android Enterprise's significant components is Managed Google Play. IT should understand how the platform can aid app management, as well as what its limitations are.


Could the iPhone 15's USB-C port drive device consolidation?

With the coming of the new iPhone with the USB-C port, organizations might look at this new compatibility feature as the impetus for some changes to their device policies.

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Mobile Computing Basics

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    Apple DEP

    The Apple Automated Device Enrollment program, formerly known as the Device Enrollment Program (DEP), is a device enrollment service that's included with Apple Business Manager (ABM) and Apple School Manager (ASM).

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    tablet (tablet PC)

    A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface.

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    distributed antenna system (DAS)

    In a distributed antenna system (DAS), a single signal source is connected to a group of antennas instead of to a single antenna.

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